City Trip

We learnt about how Maori people used sticks to make a fire in the Christchurch museum and we learnt about the Len Eye structures in the art gallery, we also learnt about the Bridge of Remembrance on the city walk.

So what?
we learnt that Maoris might be from Polynesia

Now what?
I would focus more on the activity because I got too distracted by the art.


On Tuesday and Wednesday we had Kauri Athletics.
A challenge I faced on athletics day was high jump because the bar was higher up than normal and when I don't jump over the bar and hit my leg it really hurts.
My favourite event on the day was discuss because I did better than normal.
Something I am proud of is my discuss throw because I did better than I usually do.

CARE Values


My goal is to develop the consistent use of our CARE Values towards all the people I interact with and for myself .

My strengths are in Community being a because most of my ticks are in community.
I have achieved my Bronze certificate.
I am closest to achieving my silver community.

I am going to work towards excellence Because I don't have as many ticks on excellence
I am going to do this by following the excellence value more.


PE/Sport Blog, Week 6-7, term 3
You can use any of  following to help you complete your art attack blog

For PE/Sport my goals were to use:
  • Positive relationships with individuals or groups.
  • Positive teamwork

PE: Relationships with individuals and groups
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  because I listen to what others suggest and try to carry this out.  I can give suggestions how to improve how we play
PE: Teamwork
I can interact confidently with others in a team and make individual compromises based on identifying ways to improve team outcomes.

  • I would like to work on working with more people at the same time.
  • I would like to work on participating more in the game we play.

Art attack


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, water colour or pastel.
With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, mid ground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.

With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.

Some features I included in my art are, tree, hills and a pond.
The technique I used was wet on dry which is where you use water colour normally on paper.
Something I found easy was the drawing because I am very good at it.

I would try pastel if I did another landscape because pastel has bright colours and you can blend them.

Here is an example of my Art.

My Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3.
My reading teacher is Mr Rule.
My writing teacher is Mr Rule.

So What?

My handwriting goal is sloping and flicking.

My spelling goal is to complete list 8.

My writing goal is to describe a moment in time.

My reading goal is to use several pieces of information to make inferences.

My blog goal is to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video).


IHBL: to combine different movements in to a dance routine to Treasure by Bruno Mars.
I was able pick up the different dance routines easily / quickly.

Now what?
I would like to do further dance lessons.

Term 2 Highlights

Thing that I have enjoyed this term are:

  • Dance lessons because it was a great experience learning some dance moves to a song.
  • Passion project because we got to work with other people on our projects and we got to choose what we wanted to do.
  • cross country because it was fun having some time out of school doing something other than learning.
  • winter sport because it was fun doing lots of different sports and games on Fridays.
  • music with Mr Mcallum because it was fun learning about different music artists and songs. 
  • my information report in writing because it was fun learning about the parts of writing a good information report.
  • learning about time in maths because it was fun learning all about different things about time.
  • out research and inquiry projects because it was fun learning about the earthquakes.
  • fitness because it was fun doing something out of the game and doing something active and fun.



I have been learning to solve addition and subtraction problems using the standard written form (algorithm).

So What?

I have learned that when you have an equation like 145+38= if you add something to one side, you must take it away from the other side.

Now What?

My next step is to use this strategy with larger numbers.


I am learning about our new literacy programme.

So what?
My reading teacher is Mr Forman. My reading goal is to learn strategies to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
My writing teacher is Mr Rule.
My SML teacher is Mrs Marsh .

Now what?
I need to know my reading goal better.

Te Reo Maori

We have been learning language about ko au which means me myself and I.

So what?
Something I have learnt to say is no Tiana ahau ( I am from China.)

Now what?
My next learning step is to speak confidently.

Reciprocal Reading

I am learning about reciprocal reading.

So what?
I have learned that reciprocal reading involves students being the leaders. Everyone is expected to contribute.

Now what?
Two areas I want to get better at are summarising and questioning.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

I am learning to make safe decisions.

So what?
I am learning this because we need to keep ourselves safe.

Now what?"
An example of a safe decision is if a stranger asked me to help him or her find their dog I would say no and I would walk away.