Art attack


For art attack my goal was to produce a piece of art related to our local landscape using either paint, water colour or pastel.
With Mrs Marsh I learned about foreground, mid ground and background in landscapes.
With Mr Forman I learned about colour and complementary colours.

With Mr Rule I looked at the different landscape features of Canterbury and Banks Peninsula.

Some features I included in my art are, tree, hills and a pond.
The technique I used was wet on dry which is where you use water colour normally on paper.
Something I found easy was the drawing because I am very good at it.

I would try pastel if I did another landscape because pastel has bright colours and you can blend them.

Here is an example of my Art.

My Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3.
My reading teacher is Mr Rule.
My writing teacher is Mr Rule.

So What?

My handwriting goal is sloping and flicking.

My spelling goal is to complete list 8.

My writing goal is to describe a moment in time.

My reading goal is to use several pieces of information to make inferences.

My blog goal is to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video).